A new leaf
..I'm trying to get her to walk beside me on a loose lead. We're not doing all that well - my little trampolining chainsaw dragon is determined to hurl herself to the end of the lead from whence she can drag me to who knows where...I'm finding patience somehow but a twenty minute walk to the woods and back has taken an hour and we're not even there yet..Then suddenly, she's doing it - trotting alongside, glancing up at me and feeling less like a torpedo and a little like a...dog.. There's a mighty gust of wind, cold north westerly wind that tosses the sycamore leaves on the pavement and scatters them swirling about us...she can't resist and I don't make her..she catches one and proudly continues to trot for a moment with a mouthful of leaves then it's forgotten and we're back to half a mile an hour again... It's five am, quiet,very dark and raining gently. I'm blearily waiting for Meg to do the wee she's been announcing to ...